Sunday, May 4, 2014


To Paris, I thank you. I am forever changed.

I observe the world around me, noticing the simple pleasures and beautiful moments. My escape and my freedom. My worries and regrets flow out one ear and waves of crisp creative ideas flow in the other. My capacity for my own creativity is unlocked. I've burst through the shell that has been holding me back. This lock has been tightly holding back the doors to my creative paradise. You were the key, and I've found my sanctuary. 

Paris. You've simply brought feelings more intense than I've ever felt before. The blood boiling anger and resentment followed by the overwhelming new perspective on life. I see the stars as fireflies stuck in the big blueish black thing rather than gigantic balls of burning gas like my science teachers told me. 

I see the fire in peope's eyes. I see the pain of an empty conversation. I see what lies really do to people. I see why cries aren't always because of pain, but rather a call saying "I'm here". 

I see the reflection of the moon in the rearview mirror when I'm driving just to get away from the world. I see people's breathe in the heat of the day because of ice cold secrets they're holding at the bottom of their lungs. I see us and you and that guy over there differently. We and that guy are awesome. We and that guy have lives to live, and there isn't enough time to fit all of the good stuff in. 

I was blind, but now I see. Paris, because of you... I'm free.

1 comment:

  1. I am sad for myself. This is the first time I have come across your blog, I wish it was the twentieth time for it is all well written.
