Monday, February 17, 2014


Here's a tip for you future parents out there. When your kid start throwing rocks off of a cliff, don't stop it. 

There is power in holding a rock. God's creation in the palm of your hand. And it's all yours. It's yours to do how you will. 

Here are 3 examples of what you can do with a rock.

Chuck it in the air as far as you can hoping it flies. 

Find a huge rock and roll it down the side of a mountain to create a  landslide. 

Or throw it and turn away, not caring to see if it left a wake of wreckage in its path or if it flew. 

The dreamers. The destroyers. The defiers. 

A rock has no power until somebody holds it. Only then do the possiblities become endless. Endless combinations of creation. Endless ways of destruction.

Now the question that scares me is what am I going to do when that rock is pressed into my hand? 

Even before then. What rock am I going to choose? Colorful? Smooth? Jagged? 

I'm scared of rocks. Rocks will determine my future. What rock do I want? Do I want to follow my dreams with my rock? And fly. Do I want to drag my rock and all the other rocks down with me? Or do I want to ignore the rocks? Defy. 

Choose to dream.

I'm telling you to dream. But I'm not even sure if that is what I am going to choose. 

Even though I am so unsure, there is one rock I am sure about. I've held onto it with all my heart throughout my life. And I hope you can find a rock like that too. Rocks rock. But rocks can hurt. So be careful which ones you pick. 


  1. "The dreamers. The destroyers. The defiers."
    That part really got to me.

    1. And I can't forget it. I don't want to.

      I hope you're dreaming.
