The Father: Welcome home son.
I've come home. All my life has been an escape route. Now my head is spinning. I'm splitting. And I don't know if I can come back... But that doesn't matter. You've always known.
Feel the arms wrapped around me. By your hand. I've come to feel again.
I am. I am real. Finally. It's taken me so long to find where I belong. My real home. It's so easy to forget. To be blinded by the pretty girl. The long nights of "fun". Caring about the wrong things. I'm sorry. I was completely oblivious. You have devoted everything to help...
To help me see.
What pain have I caused you? Every time I have expected disappointment it's never there. The pain is in your eyes. And that pain rocks me to the core. I can't show appreciation enough. How could I? Without fail, all I receive for my mistakes is love and understanding.
Now I only hope I can see myself as you see me. Slowly, each word you've taught can come flooding back. The wisdom. The love. One day I'll be like you.
Just a boy living up to be like his old man. Why did that seem so lame before? Why did that ever leave? You've given me the most precious knowledge that I can think of. I know who I am.
"Welcome Home Son"
I know I'm human. Because nobody could care for me that much if I wasn't.
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